Make sure that your application process is accessible to vision impaired applicants.
With the PM set to announce an easing of restrictions, more job opportunities will hopefully become available. Are you confident that your job application process is accessible to vision impaired applicants? Here are 10 steps to ensure that it is.

10 steps to VI accessible recruitment
Making your job application process more accessible is straightforward and requires simple modifications.
- Advertise your vacancies in places where vision impaired people can access them. The local Jobcentre Plus or accessible recruitment websites, such as Indeed are good places to start.
- Online applications are appropriate as long as your website is accessible (see last week’s blog for more details).
- Make sure that the application form and pack is available in an accessible format such as large print or as an electronic document. This is a requirement under the Equality Act.
- Be prepared to make a reasonable adjustment if necessary. Allow applications to be submitted by email or taken over the phone if the online form is not accessible.
- Your application form can ask applicants if they need any support at the interview. However, the applicant is not required to disclose if they are vision impaired at this stage.
- Offer a guaranteed interview to applicants with a disability who meet the essential job criteria. Offering a guaranteed interview is part of the government’s Disability Confident Scheme and shows that you take disability seriously.
- Consider including an equal opportunities statement, and a disability statement in your advertisement, outlining your commitment to equality and diversity.
- Make sure that all staff involved in selection and interviews understand equality, diversity and inclusion. This will ensure that they deal with all applications fairly.
- Ensure that all forms are digitised and can be signed using an application like Adobe Sign
- Carefully consider the interview process and ensure that it is accessible to all. This will be covered in next week’s blog.