Orientation and mobility services
Your confidence will soar as a result of being confident in your orientation and mobility. This is because it is important for your well-being to be able to explore your surroundings. Accessing mobility services depend on your circumstances. This is because it is different for those who use guide dogs and those who do not. If you are a guide dog user or in the process of applying for a guide dog, you will receive your training from Guide Dogs UK. If you are not a guide dog user and require mobility training, contact your local authority. The responsibility for orientation and mobility training usually lies with your local authority. This is as a result of the Care Act 2014 which made it their statutory obligation. However, there are some circumstances where you may require a freelance mobility trainer. This could apply if you are living somewhere temporarily. Whatever your circumstances, CrystalEyes will support you to access the correct services.
Here is a list of the main providers:
Guide Dogs
Open Sight
Sight for Surrey