Braille Tuition
“Today, 30,000+ rely on braille as their primary communication. Modern devices like BrailleNote Touch+ ensure its relevance in our digital age. CrystalEyes offers tailored training for families, rehab officers, and RNIB Certificate candidates.

The most productive way to learn is on a one-to-one basis. Having used braille to read and write from the start of his education, Callum is an extremely experienced using both a Perkins Brailler and an electronic ‘BrailleNote’ from Humanware.
My Approach
Lessons are individually tailored to each student so that learning takes place at the appropriate pace and is adequately reinforced before moving on. Each lesson lasts one hour and costs £30.
Topics covered could include:
The braille alphabet
All UEB contractions
All punctuation
Formatting and type forms
Braille mathematics
French, Italian and Spanish

How Do I Know if a Formal Qualification is Right for Me?
For those interested in formal qualifications, The Royal National College for the Blind offers accredited BTEC (levels 1-3) qualifications.
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